Thursday, March 5, 2020

Superprofs handy guide to piano instruction

Superprof’s handy guide to piano instruction How to learn to play the piano ChaptersLearn to play the piano, beginning with solfegeOptimize your natural talents to learn to play the pianoTeaching yourself the piano: a good or bad idea?Learn the piano with a teacher: the fastest and most efficient approachLearn the piano with a teacher: music schools or private lessons?Practice makes perfect!Self-taught, with a teacher, in a music school: there are several options for those who want to learn piano. With all these choices for music instruction Superprof is here to help clarify things for you!One important idea to note from the start: there is no easy answer. Everything depends on your piano goals, motivation level, work method, your background in music and your budget. But one thing is certain: if you’d like to progress rapidly and learn to play advanced piano songs, we’d highly recommend working with a piano instructor.Read on for more information…!Train yourself to play a song that you hear: this will improve your musical ear and help you play by earBu t everything has its downside. Here are some disadvantages to teaching yourself to play the piano as opposed to taking a piano lesson:You aren’t structured or supervised, so no one will correct your errorsYour solfege attempts wont be heard by a professionalYou risk taking up bad habitsThe risk of frustration and discouragement is higherIt’s therefore possible to learn the piano alone, but you don’t have the best chances on your side. Taking music classes is the preferred means of learning and making regular progress on the keyboard.Motivation and perseverance are key to becoming a true pianist.Learn the piano with a teacher: the fastest and most efficient approachYour private piano teacher will provide a structure for learning, while observing and encouraging you. He or she will teach you how to overcome challenges, which may also relate to other situations in your daily life! (who said learning a chord wasn’t practical?The piano teacher, who is a professional with a love o f music, will transmit this passion to you, increase your motivation, and enrich your playing. This will make it easier to learn music theory, play the key of middle C, and all those other less fun tasks!Different formulas are at your disposal: private lessons (like the ones you’d book at Superprof, for example), a music school or a conservatory for higher education students.And since you’ll be spending a lot of time with your piano teacher, at least an hour per week depending on the method you choose, it’s very important that you get along with one another. So choose a teacher who corresponds to your personality and objectives. And if you don’t find the right match at first, try again!Don't forget that a tutor might be the most important tool for learning piano.Learn the piano with a teacher: music schools or private lessons?Do you prefer to be guided by a teacher to take those first steps, or, in your case, first piano scales?That’s great, but you’re now faced with ano ther important  question:  private instructor or music school?Piano instruction can happen at any age as long as you’re motivated.The first criteria is a practical one: location. If there is no music school located nearby, there’s a better chance you’ll find a private teacher in the area, or better yet, one who teaches you at your house!If both options are possible for you,  ask yourself these questions related to your work method and objectives:What is your main aim for piano playing (as a hobby, to become a professional…)?What type of class experience are you after (a personalized or very structured experience…)?What type of music do you want to play (classical, jazz, variety, modern…)?Do you prefer individual or group classes?Your responses to these questions should be able to guide you to make a decision regarding your beginning piano lessons.If you go to a music school, you’ll find:Rigor and regularity in your learning programme,A more traditional education,Piano lessons and obligatory solfege training,Group classes,Exchanges with fellow students,Exams to test ability and level of playing.With private lessons, you’ll have:A lesson that is adapted to your personal needs, aims and speed of progress,Greater possibility in the style of music and tunes you can learn,Flexibility in course schedule,Generally speaking, the music school is for those destined to go to a conservatory for higher education and a career as a pianist or musician. It’s a sure means to acquire a very firm music foundation and know that piano keyboard by heart! If you are looking to learn to play piano for fun, or how to play your favorite piano music (other than classical repertoire), a private teacher might be the better option for your piano course! (Just beware of those free piano lessons.)Practice makes perfect!Whether you are learning to play piano alone or with the help of a piano teacher, practicing will play a vital role in your goal to become a piano player. In order to impact your playing and lead you to become a more advanced pianist faster, practice should be regular.  That octave or major scale won’t teach itself!So that you don’t lose motivation or direction, follow a schedule, such as one hour of playing every day or every two days (depending on your personal piano playing goals).  Regularity is just as important as quantity. It’s better to play those black keys every three days than five hours every now and then!Your piano playing won’t progress without training and exercises  (those famous piano scales!). Sadly, there are no miracle solutions. Even if your piano teacher is Elton John, if you don’t practice several hours each week your progress will be little to none.And afterwards, you’ll be at the same level of our Superprof, Antoine P. (portrait of a piano teacher). Goodbye easy piano songs, hello Chopin!

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